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martes, 10 de marzo de 2015


¿Te han dicho alguna vez que las cosas hechas a mano son mejores que las cosas manufacturadas en un fabrica? ¿si? ¿no? o ¿eres de los que diría un ns/nc? (no sabe/no contesta) ;)

De todas formas da igual lo que hayas contestado porque te voy a dar unas muy buenas razones para hacerlo o seguir haciendolo.

Antes de todo quiero aclarar que cuando hablo de algo “hecho a mano” o "handmade" me estoy refiriendo a algo que ha sido creado por la misma persona o personas que lo han ideado y que no se ha producido en una fábrica o es de producción en masa.

Lo primero que diré es que, es un completo error comparar los productos hechos a mano con los productos hechos en masa o por grandes compañías. ¿Y por qué lo digo?

Pues si intentamos hacer una comparativa encontraremos muchas razones por las cuales que no tienen nada que ver entre sí. 

Empezaré por los artículos producidos en masa.

Desgraciadamente, vivimos en un mundo de consumo y más consumo, donde existe la cultura de comprar y tirar. Estamos metidos en un círculo vicioso en donde queremos tener lo último y lo mejor pero a precios de ganga, en donde si algo se nos rompe no nos importa, total compraremos otro!!

Todos sabemos que estos tipos de productos están hechos normalmente, por grandes corporativas y fábricas, en sitios tan lejanos como Taiwan o Hong Kong y por personas que tienen muy poco interés en el producto final, ni en su calidad o creatividad. Con cumplir con sus horas de trabajo para poder ir a casa lo antes posible les es suficiente (y no les culpo). Sitios en donde lo único que importa es el beneficio final de la empresa. Es cierto que estos productos pasan por un control de calidad pero solamente para “durar” un cierto tiempo.

Sus métodos de producción consisten en imponer un precio de compra muy bajo de la materia prima,  pagar a sus trabajadores sueldos míseros y con condiciones precarias, sin tener en cuenta el impacto en el medio ambiente por no decir en la vida de las personas y en el desarrollo de ese país.

¿Y cuál es el producto final? Algo del cual hay miles y miles iguales, que ha sido producido (mayormente) por empresas que les importa poco el comprador final ya que su objetivo es hacer dinero.

Sin embargo, cuando ves un producto hecho a mano, piensa que detrás hay una persona que ha puesto todo su creatividad, su pasión y su amor en ello. Ha estado horas (y horas) pensando e ideando como crearlo. Una persona que siempre cuidará la calidad de sus productos desde el primer momento hasta el último ya que siente orgullo en lo que hace. Estará muy pendiente de los pequeños detalles y no estará conforme hasta que no haya producido algo que le satisface totalmente.
Además, te puedo asegurar que todos y cada uno de los productos “handmade” han sido creados y producidos por alguien que ama lo que hace y que ha puesto todo su cariño en ello.

Un crafter no piensa en hacerse rico con su trabajo, simplemente quiere ganar la vida haciendo algo que le encanta hacer. Es más, diré que mayormente se mal sobrevive trabajando en ello!!

Hay otra razón por la cual no se puede comparar lo “handmade” con los productos hechos en masa.

¿Te has parado a pensar que en el momento que compras algo hecho a mano tienes un objeto que no lo tiene nadie, que es único en su clase? Eso significa que entre los más de 7 mil millones de personas que existen en el mundo, tú eres el único que lo tiene!! Incluso cuando compras algo que es de una serie, el que tú tienes no será idéntico a otro, ya que es imposible hacer dos copias exactamente iguales y eso también tiene su encanto.

Se que uno de los argumentos en contra de lo “handmade” es que son caros. Y yo te pregunto, ¿No es caro un articulo exclusivo de cualquier marca? ¿Es mejor porque tiene una etiqueta que pone Gucchi o Nike? ¿Se es más exclusivo por el hecho de llevar puesto una camiseta que pone el nombre de la marca en grande delante y porque ha costado 120 ó 150€ (como poco)? Si en el fondo lo que se hace llevando ropa así es hacer publicidad gratuita aparte de pagar una fortuna por hacerlo (debería ser al revés pienso yo, qué paguen por llevarles la publicidad!!). Además, estos productos también se hacen en paises como China, Vietnam y la India por nombrar unos pocos...

Otra de las razones es que lo “handmade” es más sostenible, ayuda a fomentar la creatividad y el trabajo no solo al crafter sino también a las pequeñas empresas de tu zona. Mantiene viva la pericia y el conocimiento de todos aquellos pequeños artesanos para que no se pierda en el tiempo. ¿No es mejor fomentar al pequeño comercio donde vives que enriquecer a unos directivos de una empresa anónima de vete tu a saber donde? Yo al menos pienso que si!!

Bueno podría estar horas y horas hablando sobre el tema pero noto que me estoy empezando a rebotar y tampoco es cuestión!! Así que me tomaré un té relajante, haré unas respiraciones tipo Om y esperaré a que se me pase ;)

De todas formas espero haber puesto mi granito de arena en ayudar a ver el por qué se debería apoyar y comprar más productos “hechos a mano” y me encantaría saber tu opinión sobre ello, así que déjame tu comentario!!

Mientras tanto iré a por ese té…estás invitad@!! :)
Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:
Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:
Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:
Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:
Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
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Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:


Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

Machine Made vs. Handmade

Machine made – A machine made product is basically made from start to finish by a machine or mechanical device. The major benefit is that the product can be made quickly compared to its handmade version. Every product will be very close to being identical. Cheaper prices coupled with high demand have increased mass production from countries such as China and India to cater for the consumer.
The push towards machine made products is mainly due these two reasons – price and demand.  Why should I pay the same amount of money for a product that either looks the same or does the job? Fair question which I am sure has many sides to the coin!
Handmade – They don’t make it like that anymore! The unique art in modern times, this method is a lot more labour intensive and generally associated with high end products. Countries known for their handmade products include Italy, England, France and Germany. Basically, someone is creating and assembling a product by hand. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product – the perfect design, the right stitch, the right colour, the best material and so on.
No two handmade products are identical. Why? Minor differences and a mastered technique by an individual in producing each product have a unique effect. With so much attention put into these products they tend to last much longer and perform better over time. This is the real beauty and real value of being handmade.
- See more at:

31 comentarios :

  1. Fantástica entrada, cargada de motivos y razones. Gracias.

    1. Me alegro que te haya gustado y gracias por comentar!! :)

  2. No podría estar más de acuerdo contigo.

    1. Muchas gracias genial que compartas mi opinion!! :)

  3. Fantástica reflexión.Aplauso,aplauso y aplauso.un besote

  4. Me encanta tu post, lo comparto totalmente, me ha hecho mucha gracia porque justo estoy haciendo unos encargos de bolsos y veía tus ilustraciones y me acordaba de mi.
    Con tu permiso, comparto el post en mi face.

    1. Encantada que lo compartas...creo que a cuantas más personas llegue mejor para tod@s!! :)

  5. ¿Sabes lo peor de todo? Qué últimamente he visto muchos productos "handmade" tirados de precio, y es que no se puede vender un cojín de ganchillo hecho a mano a 6€ ¿estamos locos?

    Por otra parte, esa creencia de que el handmade es caro, pues no necesariamente y según como lo mires. Los márgenes de beneficio de un producto hecho a mano serán siempre muy ajustados, pero cuando compras un producto industrial, no quiero ni pensar en qué márgenes de beneficio se mueven para poner el producto a -70% en rebajas.

    Hace tiempo, publiqué en mi blog un post referente a esa idea de que lo handmade es caro. Dejo el enlace por si te apetece echarle un vistazo, espero que no te moleste :)

    1. Para nada me más, encantada que hayan posts sobre lo mismo (que por cierto es muy interesante). También me da mucha rabía ver que la gente no aprecian su propio trabajo poniendo precios ridiculos. A veces pienso que es imposible que lo hayan hecho ellos mismos y que si no será algo traído de China o algún otro pais. He leido varias veces que incluso en Etsy hay productos que no son "handmade" sino importaciones de China así que da en que pensar. Gracias por comentar!! :)

    2. Así es, Etsy, dawanda, artesanio y otros marketplaces de este tipo están llenos de productos industriales diciendo que son "handmade". Es realmente escandaloso.

  6. Sin palabras, tienes todita la razón!!

    Un besazo guapi!

    1. Pues ójala que no lo tuviera porque así significaria que no hace falta posts así!! :)

  7. Totalmente de acuerdo, gracias por expresarlo tan bien! Besitos

  8. Sólo dos palabras BRA-VO!
    (o sílabas...) ;)

    1. Con sílabas o silbidos...hay que hacernos oir jaja!! :)

  9. Totalmente de acuerdo ! Soy artesana u mientras que te leía me veo reflejada. Eliges todo hasta el detalle más pequeño y pones tu corazón en cada puntada y los dedos llenos de pinchazos .
    Lo compensa todo la sonrisa de quien lo recibe y valora tu trabajo
    Besotes !

    1. Y tanto que lo compensa aunque creo que muchos no se dan cuenta del cariño que hay detrás de cada detalle!! :)

  10. Lindo post! :)

  11. Fantástica entrada y estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo es una lástima que haya poca gente que valore las cosas hechas a mano...yo hago cosas que mal vende y de las cuales muchas termino regalando poco total para mal venderlas o que te digan que en el chino las hay y son más baratas...Las regalo a mis amigas y queda genial... Gracias por tu entrada me pareció genial. Besos

    1. Muchas gracias mata eso cuando dicen que en el chino hay más baratas y es una pena que no sepan apreciar las cosas y el trabajo bien hecho y es que comprar en el chino no nos estamos haciendo ningún favor a la larga!! :)

  12. Ay que post tan bueno, me gusta tantop como el que hiciste de como ponerle precio a las cosas hechas a mano (que lo tengo guardado para cuando me decida a vender mis cositas)
    Creo que haré un post con tus dos post (Con enlace al tuyo claro) para que mas gente se entere y se conciencie
    Bss y gracias por el post

    1. Gracias a ti por querer usarlos...creo que cuanto más lo hacemos más posibilidades tenemos que algo quede en la retina de la gente...un poco de publicidad subliminal jaja!! :)

  13. Fantástico post!! Totalmente de acuerdo. Queda un camino larguísimo para concienciar a la gente sobre el valor de las cosas "handmade". Gracias por explicarlo tan bien, compartido queda...
    Un besito guapa.

  14. Muchas gracias Sonia...y si que queda camino largo pero a ver si poco a poco vamos lográndolo!! :)

  15. Llevas todita la razón! Muy buen post, enhorabuena! Los que hacemos cosas hechas a mano sabemos que no nos vamos a hacer ricos, simplemente queremos vivir de lo que nos gusta. A ver si entre todas las que amamos lo hecho a mano, conseguimos que se le de más valor! La verdad, que este tema tiene mucha miga, intrusismo, gente que malvende y perjudica a todas...en fin. Muy buena reflexión! Besotes ^_^

    1. Pues si, por desgracia es así pero supongo que se puede decir que pasa en la mayoría de los trabajos...lo que si que creo que es importante es hacer que se aprecie más...muchas gracias por comentar!! :)

  16. Hola... acabo de conocer tu blog, ... y que palabras mas ciertas has dicho... completamente de acuerdo! me quedo por aquí!!

    1. Muchas gracias por la visita y me alegro que estes de acuerdo!! :)


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